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Year 7/8 Winner:

Black Mountain School


Chase Cheong

Alexander Dahms

Johnny El Khourg

Michaela Keaton

Ryan Koevoets

Cyrus Merritt

Matthew Nahon

Jenny Phoenix

Archie Ryan

Cooper Wallace

Black Mountain School: Image

Black Mountain School SRC
School Yard I'd Like:

Student Summary:


As part of our SRC School Yard I’d Like task we thought about both our own ideas as SRC and ideas from last year’s SRC Happy and Safe survey.


Here are our ideas. The left side photo is what it is currently and on the right side there are our new ideas:


1. Footpath: We would like a new path and/or fix up the old one as the old one has cracks in it.


2. Outdoor gym equipment: We want to make it more modern like inside gym equipment. This will be easier to use. 


3. Nest swing: We only have one nest swing and we would like more as it is very popular. 


4. Flowers: We would love to add more flowers to make it look pretty and it will attract native animals and bees.


5. Tables and chairs: We need more tables and chairs because there are not enough and students don’t have a place to sit and chat.


6. Softfall: We need this to fix the gap between the gym equipment and footpath. This will help students who have trouble walking, and/or seeing to be safe.

Black Mountain School: Text

Jury Comments

The group entry submitted by students at Black Mountain School is a reminder of how familiar landscape elements can lift an ordinary schoolyard space into one that is more accessible, enjoyable and fun.  The jury appreciate how the submission took a critical look at existing schoolyard features and provided considered solutions to help students better engage with the space.

Black Mountain School: Text
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