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How to enter

Enter and win a $200 Westfield voucher

Follow the steps below and email  your submission to

How to Enter: Services

Step 1: Research

Take a walk through your existing schoolyard and identify how it makes you feel.  What are its defining qualities and features?
How do you currently use the space?

Image by Jonathan Cosens Photography

Step 2: Imagine

What types of outdoor spaces / activities bring you joy? What do they look like? What makes them memorable? How often do you go there, with who and why?

Image by Daria Tumanova

Step 3: Create

Transform your current schoolyard into a fantastic space. Snap a picture of your existing schoolground, then show how you would change it through an A3 poster.  What would it look like? How would it be used? What makes it important? This can be a photo-essay, an architectural plan, a drawing – the medium is up to you!

Image by Christin Hume

Step 4: Reflect

Write up to 500 words describing your concept. Why is it meaningful? What inspired you? Who would it impact? How would the school community use the space? Help people understand more about your idea and why it's important.


Submission requirements

Entries must be received by Thursday 1 April 2021Submissions MUST include:

  • One photo showing the site of your schoolyard intervention (jpeg or pdf)

  • One A3 poster  (jpeg or pdf)

  • One page summary of no more than 500 words (pdf or word document)

  • Parental consent form, available for download below.  If your submission is a group entry, please attach a parental consent form for each student.


Attach the above documents to an email and send to

How to Enter: About

Prize details

One winner will be selected from each of the following three categories:  Years 7/8, Years 9/10 and Years 11/12. 


Winning entrants will receive a $200 Westfield voucher.

Should a group submission of 5 participants or more be selected as winner, each student from that group will be awarded a $50 Westfield voucher.  Groups are limited up to 8 participants.


How to Enter: Files
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